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Notice of Triennial General Meeting & Elections for the term 2024-2027

In terms of Article 16 (b) of the Constitution and Bye-Law 02.01 of The Election Bye-Laws of the Khoja (Pirhai) Shia Isna Asheri Jamaat, the Managing Committee is pleased to announce and give notice to the members that the Triennial General Meeting & Elections of the Jamaat for the term 2024-2027 have been scheduled to be held InshaAllah on Sunday, the 12th day of May 2024 at 8:30 am Sharp.

Further details regarding the election schedule and its process etc. shall be communicated by the learned Election Chairman, as required under the Constitution and the Election Bye-Laws.

Together, we can build a brighter and stronger future for our community!

Honorary Secretary

KPSIAJ (Karachi)
